Home » Get Your PayCheck 2 Days Early
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Get Your PayCheck 2 Days Early

Would it help to get your paycheck 2 days earlier? This would sure avoid having to ask someone for money or dodge late fees.

I’m thinking that for the holiday shopping season this help lower your stress levels as your paycheck direct deposit is available sooner.

As of November 2021, M1 Finance introduced the option to get your paycheck deposited into your account.

The process is pretty simple. Here’s how early paycheck direct deposit works.

  1. Employer sends payroll files.
  2. M1 is notified about an upcoming paycheck and its amount.
  3. M1 deposits the paycheck up to two days early.

Your paycheck is available up to 2 days earlier than usual, which means you get paid 2 days early since your money is cashable earlier.

M1 financial app options, people doing fun activities, in a meeting another graduating.

To get started you need to be an M1 customer with a Spend Account.

A Spend Account is what M1 calls their checking accounts. From there set up direct deposit. Keep in mind that the option get your pay check deposit earlier depends on the company your employer uses.

M1 is free to use for most services. Additional services like investment management require a plan however.

Would this benefit you? There are financial services that also offer early access to your paycheck.

Happy Savings, Talis

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