Home » Organizing Coupons and Inserts Using the Clip-N-Go Method
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Organizing Coupons and Inserts Using the Clip-N-Go Method

Before going on a shopping trip, if you’re looking to save the most money you’ve got to prep. This post features couponing. Not just newspaper inserts, but also CVS coupons from the red machine, manufacturer discounts found in magazines, discounts printed in the back of receipts and more.

There are a lot of methods to organize your coupons, but the key is to find a method that works for you.  This is what works for me.

bundle of newspapers

I find that the methods I use depend on many factors

  1. What my needs are: The way I organize my coupons when I am restocking my stockpile is different for when I am just shopping for regular grocery items like milk and eggs.

  1. Another factor that affects my method is how much Time I have. Organizing coupons can take a lot of time.  I usually organize my coupons on weekends. But weekends is also chores times, extracurricular activities with the kids like sports, socializing events like parties, and so on.

  1. Number of Inserts I get: We are a family of 4. I buy one Sunday paper, and normally get inserts from one neighbor 😉.  This is enough for me to keep my pantry and stockpile full. If I need more than two coupons for an awesome deal, I can either print or use a card link app like coupons.com or a supermarket app to get what I need.   But, there are times in which I need to fully restock my stockpile. When this happens, I may get as many as 8 inserts.
  1. If I am just doing a quick shopping trip, or have a couple of inserts to cut from, I cut the coupons and organize them in a portable accordion file. I sort them by brand to quickly find what I am looking for.

I use what I call the Clip -N-Go method for when I get a lot of inserts or when I don’t have time to cut, sort and file my coupons. This is a way to store my coupons quickly, and it is efficient because I only cut what I need. I file the inserts by date, labeling a tab to quickly find the inserts. Super easy!

    How The Clip-n-Go method works

    As I discussed above, I start with a shopping list. After I make my shopping list, I go online and search for deals, coupon apps, or databases of stores or an item on my list. I do this by opening a web browser and in the search bar just simply type the item. The search results will show if there is a coupon available, and where to find it.  

    For example, if I have pasta on my list, I type “pasta coupons” or “pasta discounts” on the search bar, and a list of coupons available for pasta comes up.  The database will show a description of the coupon –  manufacturer, insert source and date, the coupon’s value, the format – printable, insert, digital, etc., and the coupon’s expiration date. I then pull out the inserts, and cut only those coupons and off to shop.

    Saving time sorting

    I find that I would spend a lot of time cutting coupons for items that I use, only to throw out a lot of them because I didn’t use them. But with this method, since I am cutting a lot of the same coupons and only what is in my shopping list, I save time.

    The most time consuming part of this method is arranging the coupons so that I can cut all of them at once.  One way I save time doing this is I sort them up alphabetically first and create a pile. Then just pick up that pile and insert them into the file.

    To store the coupons, I use a plastic file box with handles, which is shown in the video I made about this method. Since i’m always looking for ways to be more efficient, I now use a large accordion file. The accordion file expands from the bottom, allowing to hold a large amount of inserts without breaking. Using the accordion file to store all my inserts is also a space saver. I can easily put it in a drawer or cabinet.  There are several ones available. You can see other types available below in this post to help you plan for one of your own.

    Hope this helps you organize your savings more efficiently.

    Happy savings,

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