Home » Where to Find Amazon Promotional Codes
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Where to Find Amazon Promotional Codes

I am not referring to the coupons that you search on Amazon.com or Google by typing ‘Amazon coupons”. That’s one way to get Amazon promotional codes, coupons or discounts.

I am referring to promotional codes that save up to 80% discount on select products.

Amazon promotional codes 

Amazon Promo codes are usually a combination of letters and numbers. The product information will either specify a ‘promo code for you to enter at checkout‘ or – to make it easier, the link automatically adds the promo code to your cart and you can see it at checkout. Easy. No need to copy and paste the code to your cart if I don’t list one.

There are times however, that I will list the promo code and then you simply copy it at checkout in the section that says “enter promo” just before placing order.

Add Product to Cart – Then add the Code at checkout

Here is what it looks like:

amazon promo code link example

Once you click on the link, the items eligible for the discount appear. These may include, in the case of clothing products for example, different colors, sizes or even different products that you can use the same promo code to shop.

The following image shows what it looks like:

product for sale using amazon promo code

Note: the subtotal will not reflect the promotional discount price. The final discounted price will be listed before you place your order.

The picture below shows you what I mean.

In the image above, the product is added to your cart but it doesn’t reflect the discount because Amazon is showing the subtotal. Not the final price.

The way Amazon promo codes work to apply the discount is that the product is added to your cart and then you either have to apply the code manually or it is automatically applied from the product link. In this case you just click “proceed to checkout” to see the final cost.

As I discussed before, there’s no need to copy and paste the code If I don’t list a promotional code. Sometimes the links I share automatically adds the code, and you’ll see the discounted price before you place the order. This is what it looks like:

In this example I share the promo code

amazon promo code to enter at checkout oral B toothbrush refills

If I provide the promotional code, just enter the code at checkout to get the discount.

Most Amazon promo codes are single use, meaning that it can only be applied to one product. So if you want to buy 2 of the same product, you’ll have to add the product to your cart again and apply the code. With multi-used codes however, you can buy as many of the same product as you’d like using the same code.

Where to Find Amazon Promotional Codes

This is what it looks like on the page:

Notice how some list the promotional code and some don’t?

You can highlight the code, copy and paste to place your order.

Related – Ways to Get Amazon Prime Free or Discounted

Frequently asked questions:

Can promo code & coupon be used together?

Absolutely! In addition to the promo code, sometimes there may be an additional coupon which you can clip to add at checkout. In the picture above, there was an additional coupon which was applied at checkout. Double savings!

Is an Amazon Membership required?

An Amazon Prime membership is not required, but useful. Often the price is below the shipping threshold for free shipping. While you can always add more things to your cart to get free shipping however.
* Not sure about membership? Try it free for 30 days.
* Prime Membership discounts are available for qualifying EBT & Medicaid Holder as well as College Students

What about shipping cost?

Most products listed have free shipping. If you have an Amazon Prime membership, you can choose free 2 day shipping as well. 

If you have any further questions please leave a comment below. There are several ways to save money shopping on Amazon. Using Promo Codes is just one way. Ready to shop?

Amazon subscription programs to use along Promo Codes

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Happy Savings, TaLis

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